Healing H20
March 14 - 28

This prayer emphasis is premised on the thought that as we worship the Lord, we awaken our hearts to be sensitive to His will and thoughts. In response to our obedience, God gives us His power which flows from the Holy Spirit within us. This is the Spiritual Principle of Authority, which is based only in God.
Fasting Purpose: 
As we enter this sacred time of prayer and fasting, we believe that God will reveal His mind, His plans, and His strategies to us. Stay committed, stay expectant, and watch how He moves in your life.
 Let’s Worship, Awake, and Receive Revelation! "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you." — James 4:8

Fasting Guidelines
The fast is from 12 midnight until 3 p.m. each day. Pray and worship each morning for a minimum of 20 minutes along with reading scriptures for the day. Drink water, 100% juices, protein shakes, etc. After 3 p.m. each day, baked, grilled, broiled fish, poultry, fruits, and vegetables are permitted. No coffee or eating fast/junk food. No beef or pork. No fried foods. Minimize unnecessary communication with others, and no social media. Focus on Christ-centered communication during this time. Abstain from listening to/viewing media that is not edifying to the purpose of this fast and your Christian growth.

Questions? E-mail info@healingh20.org.
*For those on certain medications or dietary restrictions, please continue to follow your doctor’s instructions.

14-MarWORSHIPW - Wait on GodIsaiah 40:31
15-MarWORSHIPO - Offer yourself fully as a living sacrificeRomans 12:1
16-MarWORSHIPR - Revere His holinessPsalm 99:3 
17-MarWORSHIPS - Sing praises and honor Him through prayer1 Chronicles 16:23
18-MarWORSHIPH - Humble yourself before GodJames 4:10
19-MarWORSHIPI - Immerse yourself in His WordPsalm 119:105
20-MarWORSHIPP - Pray with intention and focusColossians 4:2
21-MarAWAKEA - Align your heart with God's willProverbs 3:5-6
22-MarAWAKEW - Watch for His presence in your lifePsalm 121:5-8
23-MarAWAKEA - Acknowledge areas that need transformationPsalm 139:23-24 
24-MarAWAKEK - Kindle a deeper love for God and othersMatthew 22:37-39 
25-MarAWAKEE - Embrace the journey of renewal2 Corinthians 5:17
26-MarREVELATIONR - Reflect on His Word and promisesJoshua 1:8
27-MarREVELATIONE - Expect God to speak to youJeremiah 33:3
28-MarREVELATIONV - Visualize His plans for your lifeJeremiah 29:11